Monday, May 13, 2013

Microwave Chinese Egg Custard: Speeding Up Traditions

Many Chinese dishes are steamed, and they take a long time to cook.  With the invention of microwaves, you would think that the Chinese would give up the lengthy process of steaming and go on a microwave diet like America has, but microwaves just can't reproduce the textures formed by the process of steaming.  Not only that, a lot of Chinese people don't trust microwaves.  (My mom doesn't at least, she thinks I'll get radiation poisoning from eating microwaved foods).  But luckily for me, I'm an American and I have no such qualms.  Thus, for dessert I present the microwave Chinese Egg Custard.  Using traditional steaming methods, an egg custard would probably take 20-30 minutes to cook, but with the magical microwave, that time can be cut in half!

  • 3 Eggs
  • 2/3 Cup of milk
  • 6 tsp sugar

1. In a bowl,  combine eggs, milk, and sugar.

2. With a spoon or chopsticks, mix ingredients together until egg is smoothly dissolved.

3. Place in microwave on "high" for 5 minutes.

4. After 5 minutes, check consistency.  If watery and jiggly, microwave again for 2 minutes.

5. Keep microwaving for 2 minute periods until custard is stiff.

6. Check that custard is fully cooked by sticking a toothpick into it and making sure it comes out clean.

7. Enjoy!

*My recipe is based on the one found here: 

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